Our Mission: Help the World
Our Goal: $1,000,000
Time Frame: 168 days
The final night of the convention came and the Foundation announced that they were half-way to their goal. They requested that the crowd make any additional donations that they could. In addition to this, they requested that we share a link with friends and family so that others too could donate. We had already donated what little we could and our phone was dead, so we couldn't even share the link.
Frustrated that we couldn't do more, we returned to our home in central Utah. That night, I was unable to sleep. An idea had entered my mind--one that would change not only our lives, but the lives of many others. I knew that we needed to help, and I decided that we were going to do something crazy:
August 10th, we will be starting our journey across all 48 lower states with a single purpose: raise a million dollars for the D. Gary Young Foundation and help them change lives all around the globe! However, to bring this dream to life we're going to need your help. Between gas, groceries, and needing a place to rest our heads at night, we're going to need sponsorship. From now until the start of our journey, we're asking for your help by donating to this cause. The option to donate through the website will soon be available, so please keep an eye out for the opportunity!
We're taking the fundraiser on a road trip.
Why a Road Trip?
It's pretty simple, actually. If you're like me, you love having something to follow, and we'll be giving constant updates on our Facebook page about where we are, who we're meeting, and how far we've come on our goal. We'll also be giving updates on where we're going next so that those following us will have a chance to meet us in person and share the experience.
We're excited for this amazing opportunity, and we hope that you'll join with us!
For more information, email us at 321roadtrip@gmail.com
Also, you can follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/321roadtrip
In June at the 2017 Young Living International Convention, the D. Gary Young Foundation foundation set a goal to raise $2,000,000 for the eight humanitarian projects they manage and assist around the globe. We donated what we could, but our financial situation was so limited that $10 was the best we could do at the time.